Wenbo Zhu | 朱文博 - Some useful notes and learning resources | 一些不错的学习资料
I collect notes and other types of learning materials that I find useful to my students and myself. I put them here so that it is easier for my students to get access to them. I provide links to the original files on the author's website as much as I possibly can. If you find any of these links is broken, please kindly send me a note, so that I can fix them.
(There is no particular order of these notes, though I try to put them into different categories, for the purpose of easier browsing.)
1. Writing and presentation tips
2. General interest to graduate students
- Varian: How to build an economic model in your spare time
- This article also contains useful information on computing
- 徐轶青:如何申请北美社科类博士项目
- 徐轶青:读博那些事儿
- 宋铮:经济学的价值
econtalk.org- Some interesting conversations between a thoughtful, kind, and non-intrusive host and his guests from (not just) the field of economics.
随机游走|RandomWalk Theory- 徐轶青老师的播客,主要与(广义上)的经济学和政治学研究相关。徐老师的问题经常切中要害。很多对话都很坦诚。
- Org-roam: A Year In Review
- I do not use Org-roam, but I like the philosophy expressed here regarding workflows. I especially like the sentence "The only real benchmark of productivity is by measuring actual work output, and you'll find that the most brilliant and productive people always have simple workflows using simple tools." I'd like to believe the second half of the sentence is true.